Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE) commit to produce and publish the best articles in history of Islamic education research fields from researchers and academicians. Therefore, before we publish it, we will review all of articles which submitted using review double blind review process that conducted by editors and reviewers by referring to aims, scopes, and benefits of the articles to field of Islamic education and ethics which cover history of Islamic education, Islamic educational curriculum, Islamic educational management, Islamic educational philosophy, Islamic educational psychology, and educational character.

The review process which can guard and increase the article quality is an important aspect that must be free from impact and free from conflict of interest. Therefore, it is critical if this process is escorted by an existing editor team and peer-reviewers who have an expert in the field of research on the reviewing article. Article review process usually takes 3 to 15 weeks. Here we convey the process and policy of review in the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics.

The policy of the Peer-review process

  1. The article has never been published in the conference, proceeding, and then the other scientific journals. 
  2. The article is submitted to the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE). Must be suitable with aim and scope which has been determined, if not appropriate, the author will be a recommendation to send the article in another journal.
  3. Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE) only accepts manuscripts on document version in Microsoft word application, not in PDF.
  4. There is no conflict of interest between the author, editor, and reviewer, and no competition with the author and then the financial competition.
  5. The process to collect the article performed with Call for Paper in every published of the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE).
  6. The Double-blind review will be maintained confidentially of information about author and reviewer during the process of reviewing, this is to guarantee the author of the article free from plagiarism opportunities.
  7. Comments and input provide that given by the reviewer and editor are objective, constructive, fair, and not imposed by the author.

The Process of Review

  1. The author submits the manuscript on the provided page if they have not accounted, so can register at this link.
  2. After accepting the manuscript by Editor In-Chief, it will be checked with suitable aim and scope of the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE) Editor In-chief appoint a Section Editor to do a further evaluation in order to fulfill the suitability of the article with the style guide and template of the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE). In this process, if a discrepancy is found, the In-Chief editor or the Section Editor can reject the manuscript.
  3. The appropriate manuscript will be continued to invite at least two reviewers to give a contribution.
  4. Reviewer is someone who has expertise according to the reviewing article. The reviewing time is 10-13 days to review the manuscript, but it is not role out possible if the reviewer asks for more time for review. After finishing the review, he can send it to the editor to be further checked.
  5. A reviewer gives a recommendation in available reviewing form such as; Accepted without revision, Accepted with minor revision, Accepted with moderate revision, Accepted with major revision, or Rejected. A Reviewer can also offer other recommendation by the website system by Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE).
  6. If the reviewer has not the same expertise as the manuscript that will be reviewed, so a reviewer can reject and give a recommendation to another reviewer that the same capacity and capability with suitable expertise with the manuscript.
  7. Section editor or editor-in-chief will review and completed the comment and feedback, it will be combined into a rejoiner review form and then send to the author. In this step, the section editor or editor-in-chief can make a provisional decision as: Accept a submission, Revision required, Resubmit for review, or Decline submission. Section Editor sends an acknowledgment to a reviewer on their contribution in the review of a manuscript.
  8. The accepted manuscript by the author is then revised for 2 weeks or more depend on the type of revision.
  9. With the direction of the editor and reviewer, a complete revision by the author was returned to the editor for review of the suitability.
  10. Editor in chief or section editor will review and make a final decision to accept or decline the manuscript. However, it does not rule out the possibility for the author to requires a second or more revision.
  11. The accepted manuscript that not requires of further revision will be submitted to the copyediting and layout so the appearance is consistent with the publication in the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE) if it finds a weak writing language it will be doing for proofreading process.
  12. The manuscript is already published in the Journal of Islamic Education and Ethics (JIEE) will get DOI and then will be published in January or July. The paper can also be published in a special issue if found the same topic in a call for papers.